Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stewardship: God Gives Day 2

1. How is the stewardship of our time, talent, and treasure related to the character and glory of God? 
We need to be responsible with the way that we use our time, talents, and treasures. If we are careless during these times, then they are pointless. Our time belongs to God, because everything does, therefore we need to use them to glorify him in all that we do.
2. What is the ultimate purpose of the spiritual gifts and treasure that God has given you?
The ultimate purpose of those gifts are to serve him. If he gives us the gift of teaching, then we need to go out and teach. If he gives us the gift of miracles, we need to continue to pray for them to happen for others and not just ourselves. We need to use our gifts for others and not selfish reasons.

3. What is the difference between the Old Testament tithe and stewardship?
 In the old testament, tithe was a law that stated that you had to give 10% of your money away and stewardship is asking yourself how much money do I need to give to God?

1. How does the way you view and use your money reflect the condition of your heart?
If I use my money in a selfish way, than my heart will be selfish and I will only be thinking about myself. But, if I use my money to give to others, I will find true joy in that and my heart will reflect that.

2. How has your view of money been challenged by this chapter?
I am forced to think about the way that I spend my money and actually, in the past few days I have had MULTIPLE opportunities where I could have gotten a 8 dollar burrito but I instead stopped by a homeless man and gave him some of the money and I had a snack at home. Everyone wins that way!
3. What does stewardship reveal about who or what you worship?
 It reveals if you worship money or God. If you're worshiping God, you wouldn't want to spend your money so selfishly. Money is an idol and so if you are worshiping money and using money in the wrong way, you are definitely not worshiping God.

4. How are you using your time, talent, and treasure to glorify God?
I would like to say that I use all of those to glorify God, but in reality, I don't. Its not that I never do it, I think I do, just not as often as I need to. I know for sure I use my money not glorifying God. I do give, but I also selfishly keep. I do the same with my talents and my treasures. 
5. In what areas of time, talent, and treasure do you need to repent and grow?
I think that I need to grow in all three. Honestly, I think that everyone does. We are humans and we live in a world of sin, we are not perfect and we slip off the cliff sometimes but we have Jesus to forgive us of our sins and repent to. But out of all, I think I need to devote WAY more of my time to glorifying God.

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