Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spending summer the right way..

Honestly, my summer is based on getting a solid volunteer job or atleast volunteering frequently. This isn't my main priority because I want to do other things like hang out with friends and family and work out etc. If my summer was COMPLETELY based on volunteering, then I know that my relationship with God would be amazinggggg. Our relationship is already great, but it would be better than ever because I would be showing others his love and grace and ministering to others and so we would be like the bestest buds in the world. This summer I am determined to volunteer alot because it is something that I am considering doing in my life..or at least working with needy kids in general. And not only that, but I also know that I am the happiest and I profess my faith the most when I am working with children. So if my summer was completely based on missions, then I would have a great summer I know, but I would not have as much time to do the immature things, which is a good thing. I am determined to make service a top priority. I know that I will fail in making it the highest priority but I will keep trying because I know that is what I really want to do. Some of my priorities are mature because of the way that I want to live them out. For example, my top priorities as of now are traveling, spending time with family that I dont see often (and still the ones that I do see), hanging with friends, and growing in my relationship with God. So I will use those in a way that glorifies God and helps me grow in our relationship.

Until next time,

Friday, May 6, 2011

SUMMER 2011!

I can't wait until summer! It's going to be so fun! As of now I am going on two sorta major trips. My family and I havent gone on any real trips for a while so it will be nice to get away. In June I am just chilling with friends and I am going to go with Alyssa McKinzie to the Ronald Mc. Donald House and volunteer 3 times a week or so. I am SUPER excited about that! Even though I am just 15 and they say that I can't do anything but fill bags, I am still really excited to go and serve! For the rest of June, I will probably be just swimming and staying up late and going to Galveston and what not.

In July, I will have more of a structured month. In the beginning I will go to Texas ATM for a basketball team camp. That is always fun so I can't wait for that. Then I will go to Dallas and intern with my aunt. She is one of the top 10 designers in Dallas and will be premiering an episode on HGTV soon so I am excited to get started possibly in designing. At the end of July I am going to Yellowstone with my grandparents and my cousins. I am sorta excited for this but also kind of dredding it. I will be staying in a cabin with no cell service, no internet, no full kitchen, and no tv. I am not worried about the cell and internet service because I can deal with that, I am just scared that it will be hot and I scared about not having a fridge and microwave and stuff like that. But I know that it will be fun. And then the random days that I wont be doing anything, I will be going to RMH again with Alyssa!

Now in August, I will be getting ready for school. The first week in August I am going to Colorado with the other side of my family. I am really excited for this because I love CO and I love the cool weather and what not. Then the rest of the month I will be probably doing school stuff and hanging out. Then on the 18th I turn SIXTEEN! So I am SUPER excited about that...So yeah, that's my summer!(:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bringing the Gospel Home

I am probably not doing the best job that I should be doing. I do share the gospel with my friends and its great, but I guess I dont as much with my family. We all go to church together and stuff but I don't encourage them with my faith as I need to be doing. I know that I need to because it will help me grow in my faith and become closer to my family. The last time I shared my faith was when I was doing service work where I was with a lot of kids. One of the older mentor people came up to me and was like I can see the joy in your eyes and the love in your smiles when you are with these kids and I just want to know like how or why. And I proceeded to tell her that its through my love for Christ that I want to love others the way that Christ loves us. So that was the last time I shared my faith with a non believer. The last time I shared my faith with another Christian was yesterday at my d group interview and at a drive time at sears. My instructer and I talked about Christ and our churches and what not. It definitely made me at ease while I was driving.
Sooo yeah(:

Until next time....
Alexa :)

Monday, May 2, 2011


 I think that we should not celebrate the death of OBL. As much as I am relieved, death is never a happy thing. It is hard not to celebrate because it truly is a great thing that he is dead because of all the deaths that he has caused us. But I am very scared because I know that his death will backfire and something terrible will happen so that we "pay for" his death. But I am glad that he received punishment. Its sad that punishment was death, but he needed to be punished regardless. So I think that it is wrong to celebrate it his death because any death is not worth celebrating but it is a major relief.