Thursday, November 4, 2010

Unit 1 review blog!

In this blog I will talk about the first unit of Practical Missions class. This unit was really great and I learned so much about the Kingdom, Satan, our mission, and just so much more!So this blog i will answer some questions or elaborating on some statements that were common throughout this unit.

1. The whole Bible is one story. The Bible is a meta-narrative, which is one big story with smaller stories throughout. There is always a protagonist, antagonist, rising tension, climax, and falling tension and the resolution. This story is the story by which we understand what the meaning of our lives is and how we are going to live it out. The protagonist is God, the antagonist is Satan, the rising tension could be seen as the fall of man to the serpent, the climax is the resting day for God after he made his creation. The falling tension could be the rejection of his word from his followers and the resolution is the judgment day when God comes to earth and judges us.

2. Throughout the Bible, God's purpose is mentioned and explained so many times. I like to think of his purpose more as his mission because his purpose was to send his one and only son down to earth to take our sins away and cleanse us from worldly things. God's mission is to have a relationship with us. There are more than one answers to this question but I think that his main mission is to make disciples out of us and to have a deep relationship with us. God wants us to be able to go with him for ANYTHING and it not be awkward. He doesn't want us to look at him like someone who we can't be ourselves around. He isn't going to judge us because he loves us no matter what. He will forgive us for our sins, AKA redemption. He is such a forgiving God and I thank him for that so much because we would all be in so much trouble if he wasn't so forgiving and didn't give us so much mercy. Lastly, he has reconciliation. Reconciliation requires us ti live out his word and have a friendship with God to some extent.

3. This section was my favorite part of all. God blesses us so that we can bless others. It's as simple as that. He gives us money and a house and food so that we can go and bless others by serving food to the homeless, donating to a charity etc. I also think that somethings that happen in our life that are not positive can also be a blessing. Whatever it may be, it happened for a reason and we need to take advantage of it so that we can help other people who are going through the same thing as we are and lead them to Christ so that they can give it all to him. He doesn't give us blessings just so we can have fun and have a good time. There isn't really much to say other than if you are given something so great and wonderful, dont be selfish, share it with others, even if it is only by words and your heart. Sometimes the best thing that can ever be given is love.

4. God wants us to participate in his kingdom with him. The reason we are a part of his kingdom is so that he can use us to expand his kingdom. As Christians, we are called to Earth to us our life as a mission and to mission to others. Even if its just sharing the word of Christ because that is mainly all he wants. When we simply tell someone hey, you know that God loves you so much and he sent his son just so you could have a great life, you are sharing the most important thing about God. If anything he wants everyone to know his love for you. So overall, we are called to expand his kingdom that is here right now on the earth. We are in his kingdom now. His kingdom is based around LOVE.

5. Spiritual warfare is tough and really confusing. I still don't fully understand all about this warfare but its just terrible. To me, it seems that Satan is getting everyone sick and tempting us to get back at God for taking away his power. It is weird to think that God's kingdom is spreading while Satan is taking over too. When God heals and brings someone else to Christ, he is taking back land that was once taken from him by Satan. Satan cant create so he tries to ruin everything that is tempting or is "easy" for him to ruin. Every bad thought, every sickness, everything that is bad is a curse from Satan. Some people think that it is from God because something good comes out of it but I think that is God just beating Satan and working his miracles through him. So all in all, God's kingdom grows through Satan whenever God defeats him.

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