Wednesday, November 10, 2010

End of the Spear

This movie was amazing! Not even kidding this was in the top 10 favorite movies ever. I really loved this movie for many reasons. I really have a heart for missions which is why I signed up for this class so I really loved this movie because I really want to mission over seas so badly. I'm not saying that I want to go somewhere where I will be speared to death, but I do want to reach out to people who are in so much denial and who have 0% Christianity background. What I also loved about this movie was how amazing the family who came to reach the Indians were. When they were spearing them all they wanted them to know is that they came here to be sincere friends with them.
I really wish that the Indian tribe would have realized that they were great people and trying to help them. My favorite part of the movie was the end for sure. It was really touching when Mayacani apologized for killing his father and straight out told him the story about what happened. I could tell that throughout the movie it was really bothering him and he really regretted it especially when he got to know the family a little bit and knew that they were good people and only trying to help. I couldn't hold back tears because it was just so emotional. It was awesome how they found his picture. This movie was awesome and really showed the power of God and the way he used that family to work through the tribe even if it meant to give up family and American life. That is a true missionary.

Until next time....
Alexa :)

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