Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chapter 2!

Hey guys! So this post is about chapter 2 of the book we are studying...soo here we go. First, some reflective questions..

Which relationships do you turn to first when youʼre looking for guidance and support?
I'm not going to lie to you, but the first person I turn to is not God. I know I easily could say God but that gets me no where. I really wish I could say God but I am not there yet. The first person I go to is my friends (specifically Rachel & Allie). I am working really hard to get to that point where I will run to God so bear with me.

Does your relationship with God have the same sort of dynamic interaction as some of your other relationships? Should it?
No, sadly my relationship doesn't. It seems that I do not take it as I am talking to my best friend when I talk to God. I feel that sometimes I am like oh I haven't prayed today, let me get it over with. Its so horrible of me, but again I am working on that too. And yes i definitely think that my relationship with God needs to be the same as with anyone else.

Would you describe yourself as someone who seeks reconciliation, whether for yourself –reconciliation between you and God or between you and other people – or for others whom you help to reconcile with God? What are some situations you see in your world that could use reconciliation?
I do actually seek reconciliation from God often. I can't think if a direct time when I asked for reconciliation from God, but some common ones are like being mean to friends and parents, not trying your best, and distancing yourself from God. I do repent a lot for the last one. Sometimes I feel very distant from God which is my issue because I know that whether I want him to or not, he will ALWAYS be there for me even when I give up.

God is a relational God and he WANTS a relationship with you! I know it sounds weird that I am saying that because I may sound like a hypocrite, but I like to take my own advice too because I personally need to work on my relationship with God too. My relationship also gives me the excitement to go have more relationships with other people too! But, I could have a MILLION relationships with different people but none of it matters because they can't give me what God can :)

Hopefully I blogged about what I was supposed to...sorry if I didn't ):

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