Monday, September 6, 2010

The bible is one HUGE story!

It's late and I am very tired and I have been sitting in front of my computer for 30 minutes going back and forth about what to write. I am having complete writers block! Maybe I am distracted because I am so tired and I have a terrible sunburn, but I am still stuck. So, I will try and do the best I can.

The bible as a story is so important to us. God uses his story to convey and reveal himself to us through his word. Remember when we were younger and we would have older people tell us all of these cool stories to prove a point for example why its fun to have a dog, or why you never want to eat spinach or something like that. Well, God's story is not a silly as that, but its serious and its important. Story is a way of communicating truth and God's story, The Bible, is ALL truth. The story of the bible shares that we are all to join God in his mission. We are invited to participate with God as bearers of His purpose.  The Bible is a big meta narrative, which means that there are little stories that belong in the BIG story. The story exist so that we can carry it down for generations to come. I remember when I was little I had the bible picture book. Every night I would have someone read a new story to me which was filled with pictures. Whoever that person was, was sharing the word of Christ with me. They were sharing his story and joining him in his mission. The best stories are stories that are real. Looking at the future and what God has in store, personally I am nervous. I know that God is in complete control, therefore I never know what will happen tomorrow. If I was in control, I would be able to plan for tomorrow because I would know what was going to happen. I have no idea what will happen in the next 10 minutes either (I'm hoping God has sleep in my future though). Therefore, there is this wonderful huge story that showed me Christ and showed me to lay it all before him and I hope the same happens to you.
 -Sorry it was so short :( -

Until next time,
Alexa :)

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