Monday, December 13, 2010

Ronald Mc. Donald House

For my second outreach I baked cookies for the Ronald Mc Donald house. Since I am still 15 I am not allowed to work their so I had to find a way around the rules. I decided that I would bake cookies for the families that live there. I wish that I could have seen their reactions and talked to them but unfortuantly I couldn't. But it did feel great to bake cookies for them. The best way to peoples heart is through food so I have heard, so hopefully those yummy cookies could show them that I had a greater purpose for them than just making cookies. I wanted the holy spirit to move through them like it does through me during the holidays. During the holidays when I eat my favorite foods I am reminded of family and love and friends and Jesus who died on the cross for me and I am eternally grateful for all of those. That makes my relationship with the Lord stronger and all I wanted to do was share that with those families. I am praying for all of their illnesses to be healed during this holiday season so that they can have the best time this year. Overall, I enjoyed baking cookies for those families whether or not they knew what my intentions were.

Until next time....

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