Thursday, February 24, 2011

FRANCIS-you so big!

How did the sermon make you look internally and does your spirtual life match up in god's eyes like with your friends and family and with your reputation? 
 Yes, I think that my spiritual life has matched with my reputation. My faith and relationship with God has grown tremendously this year. When I leave Houston Christian, I want people to remember me for who I am, not who I try to be. I want my reputation to be remembered as someone who exemplified and really mirrored Christ. The way I view myself, I think that my reputation has reflected Christ but of course there are a few things I can work on. I sometimes can have a "double life" where I act differently because of the influence of people. That is definitely something I need to work on.  I always need to remember that I do not need to please ANYONE but myself, and God. He wont judge me on what I wear or any of the worldly things, he will only judge me on my heart.

Until next time...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Teen Role Models

I am not really so sure what we are supposed to be blogging about...but I guess I will just talk about who my role model is and why.

My role model is probably my grandma. I look up to her more than my parents because I guess I can see myself being more like her. I don't really have a celebrity role model just because I dont really look up to them I guess. But overall, my grandma is someone I really look up to because she is just so loving and truly cares about everyone and is a Christian too.

Until next time....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Westwood Elementry(:

At Spring Branch Elementary they have a book night every Thursday were they all read and then they have this store where you can buy stuff to help the school for paving the garden at their new school. You can also go on Saturdays to help them pack up things for the new school. We would be able to make things for the store or help them sell things to raise money. Or we would be able to help them pack up the books and stuff from the Library. At Westwood Elementary, they have after school activities and then little camps or clubs on the weekend. The camps and some after school activities are like specialties so they are like art or science clubs and stuff like that. So we would be able to help run the clubs or activities. Also we could help mentor the kids after school and I think that would really help them because these kids have grown up in some really tough circumstances.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011



This week has been awesome. I love hearing about loving houston and all that jazz. BUTTT it has also been ehh not so good. I feel like this week will be great for this week but nothing will happen after. I have really enjoyed the speakers though. On Monday, Lisa did a great job sharing just 4 short points and keeping us tuned in. On Tuesday, Drew talked. I have my different opinions about when he speaks. I like to hear him speak but I feel like it is just too long and no one pays attention because it just isnt very interesting. Today, Robby Seay's brother spoke to us. I really like him. He was funny, his stories were relatable and missional and wasn't boring. Overall, I have enjoyed MEW but I dont think that it is very encouraging. I feel like they could have tried a little harder to make us be missional. Like maybe everyday we have an opportunity to bring or do something that will help one cause each day. Or something like that. I want something new and fresh everyday. I have a terrible feeling that after this week people will forget EVERYTHING.
So that is how I feel about MEW...

Until next time...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



      So I think that it is difficult to write encouraging things for people because of a few different reasons. One reason would be awkwardness. If you dont know the person then it might be really awkward to write something about them or tell them something. If you are just saying like something generic, then that is a little easier. But, if you wanted to personalize the encouragement then that is definitely harder. That would be the situation where you don't know them. 

If you are friends with them in school but you dont hang outside of school, that can still be really awkward. I think that this is not as hard as the first one because you know them a little more so its not as awkward. The hard part is knowing what to put or say. The whole thing about "your cool" or "your smart" or whatever gets old. You need to actually encourage them and dont just say the same thing you did to everyone else. 

Lastly, if you are friends with them, it is definitely easier.  I wouldn't say that it is really easy, it is just easiER. It is still hard to figure out what to tell them. Like you know what you like about them and stuff its just hard to actually go through with it. Now when I encourage my best friends or my basketball team, its not awkward or hard at all. Im not really sure why, but it comes natural. What doesnt come natural is encouraging your enemies and people you dont like. 

Overall, I really did love this exercise we did in class and chapel. Although it seemed ingenuine at first, i think that people did mean for the most part what they wrote on eachothers backs and papers. I think that it reall opened my eyes about encouraging people. My day was so awesome because of all that love. I really think that what we are learning in chapel will apply to us growing as missionaries for sure. We need to love anybody and everybody no matter what and make sure they know that they are loved and important. 

until next time...
Alexa (:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Father Daughter Date


So a few weekends ago I went to a restaurant called "The Egg and I" with my step-dad Gerald. The food was delish and we had a great time. I am pretty close to my step-dad which is good because I don't have my real father in my life so he is like a father figure to me and my brother. I feel very comfortable talking to him about anything. We talked a lot about college and about family issues. He is really smart and he has great advice about college and grades and stuff. We also talked about random things like my step-sisters wedding and stuff like that. I really enjoyed this experience. Although I did not pay for the breakfast just because i don't know that you just be kinda weird. But we did talk about deep stuff and even God. I am not so much "eye-opened" because Gerald and I hang out a lot and do stuff like that because we are really close and it is important for me to have a relationship with him. I have known him since around the time of second grade so I have been with him all my life. Over all, I had a great time and I will definitely do it again.