Sunday, April 3, 2011

Radical Sacarifice

1. Do I want satisfaction without sacrifice?
Yes to be honest. It is always in the back of my mind and I have to correct myself because that is what I want, but not what I need and I only want to fill my life with things I need and I need sacrifice because I need him.
2. What are we willing to give up to have true abundant satisfaction?
I am completely willing to give up everything. But, easier said then done. It is so hard to give up everything when the world it telling you that you need more and you need this to become this and you have to do this to be this. I dont want those things but temptation is there and although I might have a slip up, I catch myself and something just comes over me.
3. If Jesus instructs His followers to relinquish all of their lives in pursuit of His glory and desires, how do their lives change in terms of priorities? What should be the center of out lives?
Their lives change completely. Like ALL the way. The center of their lives is God and we should do the same. If that is how it was back then and that is how his followers acted, then his followers now she do the exact same.
4. If we are dead to ourselves, who makes the decisions in our lives? What decisions do we not like to surrender to Him?
 If we are dead, then Christ has to make our decisions. Even if we are alive he has already made them for us because he knows already. We don't like to surrender family, items acting as idols, friends, and other things.
5. Should we truly seek Christ in decisions such as where we go to college, what clothes we wear, what we eat, etc? Why does it matter? What would our lives look like if we did?
Yes, completely. All my decisions need to be based on Christ. My life would look like this, but better. I say that because I know that some of my decisions are based on my pleasure, but I do make my decisions based on Christ too.
6. How do our attitudes toward our possessions reflect our relationship with Christ and our desire for His mission? How would our lives look if we sought to glorify Christ in the way we purchase and obtain possessions?
 Our attitudes toward possessions reflect negatively on Christ if we are caught up in the possessions. If we bought our possessions with the glory of Christ in mind, we would have given it all except what is actually needed, which is little.
7. What does it mean to carry your cross as a disciple of Christ? Are you living your life this way?
To carry your cross means that you have dedicated your life completely to Christ and he is number 1. Yes I do carry my cross but I certainly lack in some areas. 
8. Will Jesus Christ be your supreme joy, or will you forsake Him for the fleeting pleasures of this world?
Jesus is my joy, all my joy. I do try and find happiness in other things but I know that the only time it is true is whenever I am glorify his name.

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