Monday, August 30, 2010

proclaiming the excelences of Christ!

I really really liked this discussion last class about what it means to be a missionary and distractions and..stuff!

First I wanna talk about how I agree with what the author said about the differences between being a christian and a missionary. Many people think that a missionary only shares the word of God. Well, yes they do, but isn't that also what Christians should do too? Isn't that why we were called to the earth? I believe so. I also think that a missionary GOES somewhere. For example oversees and they are curious to learn new cultures, languages, cross a culture, proclaim the excellencies of Christ, and plant the Church of Christ. If you are called to be a missionary then its game over. I dont think your life is over..I think your life has just began. In my opinion, once i know what God has in store for me is when I really will start living because I am living for his plan.

What I also want to talk about is the money issue. We were discussing this in class and I agree with the side that money can be a curse. Of course its a blessing too but I think its also a curse. I think its a curse if you use it in the wrong way. God made money..use it to glorify him! He made all of us to use to spread his word and money is something that will help us do so. It can also be a curse because it is wrong to worship money which is what a lot of people do. You can not worship two things. God is in my life and should be in yours, the one and ONLY thing that you worship because he is the only one and thing that is worthy of it. Many people in class saw it as a blessing and a good thing which is understandable. I think that it goes both ways and I cant really decide which one more but I do think that money is more of a curse, inless you use it in the right way. AHH this is really hard to choose between!

Well overall, I really liked that lesson and it was really interesting.

Till next time,
Alexa :)

"Do not repeat anything you will not sign your name to" (anonymous)

Although the assignment was to go to the after school place on friday...i was unable to attend because of important previous plans which made me really sad. I don't really think that its fair that they have to write 2 blogs and I wasn't assigned to..soo I decided to be fair and write one too.

This blog is going to be coming from my Alive Devotions for Students book by Rick Christian...Ironic right? anywho.. the devotion for today is about rumors. Every high school has them and they can tear people apart and relationships and friendships. The story that was in this devotion was about the time that a couple put a real finger in their Wendy's food and sued Wendy's for that..turns out the couple put it in there. First, that is GROSS. Second, Wendy's reputation changed after that even though it was fake. There are soo many rumors like Barack Obama is a Muslim, Miley Cyrus is pregnant, and once Justin Bieber was dead? This sounds weird but the tongue can be a murder weapon. I know all of us have had rumors passed around that are absolutely ridiculous..but they can hurt a lot. It hurts a lot when your best friend starts them, or your best friend believes the rumors. In Peter 3:10 it states "If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking the evil and your lips from telling lies." We all know that rumors are lies and the people who make them are insecure about themselves which is sad.
So with that don't make up rumors!

Until next time,
Alexa :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Am I called to be a missionary?

Hey guys soo today the topic is again about missionaries. It's pretty much about why its important to accept the challenge and accept the missionary call..soo here we go.

I think that it is very important to accept the call of missions. If God is leading towards this kind of life style, then you need to do three things. I believe that you need to stop, drop, and go. I know that kinda sounds cliche because its like the fire drill, but its completely true.

Stop: If God is leading you to this then you need to stop whatever you are doing. Stop getting sidetracked and focus your self on what he is showing you.

Drop: Drop is pretty much the same thing as stop. I don't mean literally like drop to the ground, I mean drop everything else. God knows EXACTLY what is in your plan and he will only lead you to the right direction and if he put this on your heart then you need to GO and listen. Which brings me to my next point...

Go: When I say go, I mean go where its needed. If its on your heart that you are called to mission then you need to get your suitcase pack a few things and get out of here and go do what you were called to do. God makes one plan for you. If this is in your plan then you can't say no. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6 When you trust in him and give it all to him, then he will make your paths straight no matter what.
~I challenge YOU to accept the challenge because you won't regret it!~

On a random note, there is this devotion book that I read every day that has different messages each day. Today it is about failure. There is one part that I want to share that has been on my heart lately. It says "A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame someone else." I know that all of us, myself included, have blamed someone else for something that you have done. Even if its as small as who's job was it to take out the trash and you blame it on your younger sibling. We will all fail in life and we need to repent and give them to God so he can deal with them. So I guess I'm  trying to say that failure has been on my mind alot with school starting up and other things so if all else fails you have GOD :)

& continue praying for my brother and family please :) thanks!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Missionary God

God is definitely a missionary God in my eyes. Here is why:

Firstly, in Genesis 12:1-3, God reveals to Abraham that He is a missionary God. He promised land to Abram as well as the blessing of many nations. That right there, is an example of a missionary. God always wanted to help others in ANY way that he could. It didn't matter to him if you we are different color or anything, we were all the same in his eyes. It is just so wonderful that God is so great. I really am so excited to be like him in the mission sense this friday when we go serve! I hope it is a lot of fun because I really can not wait. Ah, I got off topic...but, as I was saying, God has many ways that he shows how he is a missionary God. I just told you one way so that maybe somehow, you could tell me some more! I know of more but I want to make it in a sense a challenge where you have to dig into your bible and look for ways which can help you a lot.

Even though I am going off topic.. I wanted to shoot a prayer request to anyone who is reading this..
My family is dealing with a lot with my brother and other members of my please pray that things will only get better from here because there is only so much a person can handle but, when you give it to God, its ALL in his hands.

Until next time...
Alexa :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Psalm 96 and Isaiah 58!

Hey people of the internet :)
I'm back for another blog! I guess I'm getting more comfortable writing them now even though I never really felt uncomfortable since I love writing! Anywho...I recently read Psalm 96 and there is so much "stuff" in there! It sends many different messages that I want to talk about! 

Firstly, If you are not familiar with this Psalm, you will be now :)

1 Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.
Sing to the LORD, bless his name; announce his salvation day after day.
Tell God's glory among the nations; among all peoples, God's marvelous deeds.
2 For great is the LORD and highly to be praised, to be feared above all gods.
For the gods of the nations all do nothing, but the LORD made the heavens.
Splendor and power go before him; power and grandeur are in his holy place.
Give to the LORD, you families of nations, give to the LORD glory and might;
give to the LORD the glory due his name! Bring gifts and enter his courts;
bow down to the LORD, splendid in holiness. Tremble before God, all the earth;
say among the nations: The LORD is king. The world will surely stand fast, never to be moved. God rules the peoples with fairness.
Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice; let the sea and what fills it resound;
let the plains be joyful and all that is in them. Then let all the trees of the forest rejoice
before the LORD who comes, who comes to govern the earth, To govern the world with justice and the peoples with faithfulness.
           So I really like this Psalm and there are a few parts that are my favorite! The 2 bolded verses are the ones that I want to talk about. The first one, verse 2, I really like. This verse can mean many different things but the way I like to see it is about the last part. When it says announce his salvation everyday, it means that we need to praise him EVERY day! We can't just be like oh I haven't prayed for like a week...I feel bad...ok I guess I'll pray. No, we have to be consistant with our faith and showing God how much we love him and appreciate him. DAY AFTER DAY. WEEK AFTER WEEK. YEAR AFTER YEAR. ( you get the point). We need to announce his salvation all the time. Although I know we all have been there where maybe we stayed up late Saturday night and didn't want to wake up early for church, we need to. I don't want to sound like a hypocrite so I will admit that I have been there done that sadly. But, we do need to stay consistent in our faith.             Verse 8 is another one that I like. When it says, give to the LORD the glory due his name!, It simply means that we need to give him what he deserves. He sacrificed so much for us, it is only right that we do the same. We need to praise him DUE to his name. 
       I also read Isaiah 58 which is... WAY to long to post on I guess you will have to go pull out the bible that might be hiding...I hope not :)
But, my favorite verse from that book is Isaiah 58:7 
 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
I know that this book is more about fasting and about what it means to fast and why we fast, but I LOVE this verse. Sometimes we can be selfish and we really need to share the last chicken finger from our meal. Something that I know a lot of people can be guilty of is hiding ourself from our own flesh. For example homeless people. I know that everyone has been there when a homeless person walks up to your car and asks for money. Sometimes we think it would be better not to look that them so that we don't reject them money, but we are hiding from them like we are afraid to look at them because they are different then we are. I find it pathetic that we do that sometimes. I really hope that this can change your heart and next time you see someone less fortunate then yourself, you can help out a brother or a sister by giving them something small. 
Thanks for reading :)
Oh! and there is this great song that came to my heart while writing this..I'll post a video of it. It's called Give me your eyes by Brandon Heath!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

first blog!

Hey guys! So this is my first, here we go! I just got this blog for my practical missions class and I'm super excited!

The purpose for me to create this blog was to share my feelings about missions and just to..share whats going on. A lot of people create blogs to speak their mind freely without being judged. I view blogs as an online journal where you can be free to say anything that you want and not care what the online world thinks about you. I can't wait to get started blogging about anything! This blog, for me, is going to be a way to express my feelings about my Christianity and what is happening in my faith. 

From that, there is term that is "Missio Dei." This term means mission of God. On a deeper level, I think that it means spreading the word by missions. There are plenty of ways to spread the word but i think missioning is the most effective. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing that you help someone and could have saved a life. When you share the word of Christ you are saving a life from going to hell. Now they have the best thing to look forward to. Forever will they have a huge party up in heaven. So, therefore I feel that missions are very important! I feel like my faith is definitely shown best through them. I have a huge heart for helping people. Sadly, I have not been on an over the sees mission trip but, I only dream that one day I can share the word of God to people in other countries who have not yet heard the wonderful scripture of the Bible. So, as you can probably tell, i love missions!! :)

So speaking of my love for missions, i decided to do this class because of it. I was SO excited when my bible teacher told me about this class. I was skeptical at first because I knew no one that was going to be in it with me but luckily i know someone in the class! Even though i was nervous about that, it never crossed my mind to not sign up. I had my heart set on this class. I can't wait to get started doing anything and everything and I am also looking forward to the speakers...I hope I don't cry! :( It touches me a lot when i see all of these pictures and hear stories about how people live. Especially living without God! From this class, I expect to deepen my relationship with God for sure. I feel like sometimes there is distance so I definitely want to fix that :)

With all of that said, I think I'm good until next time :) 
But, here is a quick bible verse that I love: 

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15 
 So...GO...preach the good news! :)