Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Missionary God

God is definitely a missionary God in my eyes. Here is why:

Firstly, in Genesis 12:1-3, God reveals to Abraham that He is a missionary God. He promised land to Abram as well as the blessing of many nations. That right there, is an example of a missionary. God always wanted to help others in ANY way that he could. It didn't matter to him if you we are different color or anything, we were all the same in his eyes. It is just so wonderful that God is so great. I really am so excited to be like him in the mission sense this friday when we go serve! I hope it is a lot of fun because I really can not wait. Ah, I got off topic...but, as I was saying, God has many ways that he shows how he is a missionary God. I just told you one way so that maybe somehow, you could tell me some more! I know of more but I want to make it in a sense a challenge where you have to dig into your bible and look for ways which can help you a lot.

Even though I am going off topic.. I wanted to shoot a prayer request to anyone who is reading this..
My family is dealing with a lot with my brother and other members of my family..so please pray that things will only get better from here because there is only so much a person can handle but, when you give it to God, its ALL in his hands.

Until next time...
Alexa :)

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