Monday, August 30, 2010

proclaiming the excelences of Christ!

I really really liked this discussion last class about what it means to be a missionary and distractions and..stuff!

First I wanna talk about how I agree with what the author said about the differences between being a christian and a missionary. Many people think that a missionary only shares the word of God. Well, yes they do, but isn't that also what Christians should do too? Isn't that why we were called to the earth? I believe so. I also think that a missionary GOES somewhere. For example oversees and they are curious to learn new cultures, languages, cross a culture, proclaim the excellencies of Christ, and plant the Church of Christ. If you are called to be a missionary then its game over. I dont think your life is over..I think your life has just began. In my opinion, once i know what God has in store for me is when I really will start living because I am living for his plan.

What I also want to talk about is the money issue. We were discussing this in class and I agree with the side that money can be a curse. Of course its a blessing too but I think its also a curse. I think its a curse if you use it in the wrong way. God made money..use it to glorify him! He made all of us to use to spread his word and money is something that will help us do so. It can also be a curse because it is wrong to worship money which is what a lot of people do. You can not worship two things. God is in my life and should be in yours, the one and ONLY thing that you worship because he is the only one and thing that is worthy of it. Many people in class saw it as a blessing and a good thing which is understandable. I think that it goes both ways and I cant really decide which one more but I do think that money is more of a curse, inless you use it in the right way. AHH this is really hard to choose between!

Well overall, I really liked that lesson and it was really interesting.

Till next time,
Alexa :)

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