Tuesday, August 17, 2010

first blog!

Hey guys! So this is my first blog...so, here we go! I just got this blog for my practical missions class and I'm super excited!

The purpose for me to create this blog was to share my feelings about missions and just to..share whats going on. A lot of people create blogs to speak their mind freely without being judged. I view blogs as an online journal where you can be free to say anything that you want and not care what the online world thinks about you. I can't wait to get started blogging about anything! This blog, for me, is going to be a way to express my feelings about my Christianity and what is happening in my faith. 

From that, there is term that is "Missio Dei." This term means mission of God. On a deeper level, I think that it means spreading the word by missions. There are plenty of ways to spread the word but i think missioning is the most effective. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing that you help someone and could have saved a life. When you share the word of Christ you are saving a life from going to hell. Now they have the best thing to look forward to. Forever will they have a huge party up in heaven. So, therefore I feel that missions are very important! I feel like my faith is definitely shown best through them. I have a huge heart for helping people. Sadly, I have not been on an over the sees mission trip but, I only dream that one day I can share the word of God to people in other countries who have not yet heard the wonderful scripture of the Bible. So, as you can probably tell, i love missions!! :)

So speaking of my love for missions, i decided to do this class because of it. I was SO excited when my bible teacher told me about this class. I was skeptical at first because I knew no one that was going to be in it with me but luckily i know someone in the class! Even though i was nervous about that, it never crossed my mind to not sign up. I had my heart set on this class. I can't wait to get started doing anything and everything and I am also looking forward to the speakers...I hope I don't cry! :( It touches me a lot when i see all of these pictures and hear stories about how people live. Especially living without God! From this class, I expect to deepen my relationship with God for sure. I feel like sometimes there is distance so I definitely want to fix that :)

With all of that said, I think I'm good until next time :) 
But, here is a quick bible verse that I love: 

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15 
 So...GO...preach the good news! :)

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