Thursday, August 26, 2010

Am I called to be a missionary?

Hey guys soo today the topic is again about missionaries. It's pretty much about why its important to accept the challenge and accept the missionary call..soo here we go.

I think that it is very important to accept the call of missions. If God is leading towards this kind of life style, then you need to do three things. I believe that you need to stop, drop, and go. I know that kinda sounds cliche because its like the fire drill, but its completely true.

Stop: If God is leading you to this then you need to stop whatever you are doing. Stop getting sidetracked and focus your self on what he is showing you.

Drop: Drop is pretty much the same thing as stop. I don't mean literally like drop to the ground, I mean drop everything else. God knows EXACTLY what is in your plan and he will only lead you to the right direction and if he put this on your heart then you need to GO and listen. Which brings me to my next point...

Go: When I say go, I mean go where its needed. If its on your heart that you are called to mission then you need to get your suitcase pack a few things and get out of here and go do what you were called to do. God makes one plan for you. If this is in your plan then you can't say no. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" Proverbs 3:5-6 When you trust in him and give it all to him, then he will make your paths straight no matter what.
~I challenge YOU to accept the challenge because you won't regret it!~

On a random note, there is this devotion book that I read every day that has different messages each day. Today it is about failure. There is one part that I want to share that has been on my heart lately. It says "A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame someone else." I know that all of us, myself included, have blamed someone else for something that you have done. Even if its as small as who's job was it to take out the trash and you blame it on your younger sibling. We will all fail in life and we need to repent and give them to God so he can deal with them. So I guess I'm  trying to say that failure has been on my mind alot with school starting up and other things so if all else fails you have GOD :)

& continue praying for my brother and family please :) thanks!

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