Wednesday, October 6, 2010

blessing to others!

I really loved the topic in chapter 3 about blessing others. It is so true! We are here on earth not because we are blessed, but to pass the blessing to others. We are blessed in order to be a blessing onto others. You really have to not be selfish to live out your life like this. One bible verse that I like that explains this is Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." When it says let our light shine before others, I think of it like let our actions and good hearts be used to bless others and when we do that, we glorify God. In my life I have been very blessed. I am very blessed to be living where I do, to be going to Houston Christian and to wear the clothes I have and etc. With all that I have that I was blessed with, it seems wrong to me if I dont bless others with what I have. I have food on the table when I get home because I am blessed to be able to afford it, so I like to serve homeless people who are not as fortunate. I am also fortunate to have blankets to keep me warm at night in the winter, so I like to go out and hand out blankets around Christmas time and tell people that Jesus loves you. When I bless other people, I really hope that they bless others, and then those people bless other people. I just cant help but feel selfish if I do not help other people. I have way too many resources to just let them go to waste. There have also been times where God has blessed me and I'm sitting here thinking Why in the world did you let this happen? this is not a blessing! But when I think about it, maybe its not a blessing in my life, but to other people it is. And most likely it will turn out to be. God does reveal his plan through blessings. So with this, I really hope that you use your gifts to bless others! Maybe your gift is singing, go sing holiday songs to the elderly! Or maybe your gift is giving, go give to an organization that needs it. Whatever your gift is or what you have been blessed with is, because everyones is different, go bless others :)

Until next time....
Alexa <3

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