Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Curses from Satan?

Hey friends of the internet...

Last class we read this article about Satan..EW. It was a really good article and I really enjoyed reading it! The title was God at war and it was basically about spiritual warfare. There is no set questions and stuff that I need to answer so I am just going to say what I found interesting and confusing etc.

First, I wanted to address the question that we talked a lot about in class..are sicknesses, deaths, diseases etc from Satan or God. I really have no idea. I have gone back and forth about what my answer was. I think that God puts these situations in our lives to test our faith and to help us grow stronger. I do believe that with every bad situation you grow so much and learn so much about your faith and yourself. But, I also think that they are from Satan. Satan is PURE evil and these things are evil too. I really have to set answer that I can say because I just honestly do not know.

I was also confused about a few things. First I remember reading and someone saying how Satan was once in control or partly in control of the world and God beat him? I do believe that God has overcome Satan but I also think that it is still a battle because so many people are still falling for Satan's trickery. Another question that we talked about in class was why we don't see demons in people anymore? I think that the reason I'm not like she is totally demon possessed is because there are so many different things that could be going on behind the scenes. I also think that the picture that was placed in my mind of possessed people is the picture of these people screaming and yelling and rolling on the floor and just going crazy. I have never seen that before so I think that is why I don't quickly say that they are possessed. Although in the Bible, the towns people and everyone else automatically knew that they were possessed. Its interesting to think about..

I think that God can overcome ALL of Satan's tricks of sickness, possessed people etc. IF you have full faith in God and you trust him completely with your life than I think that there is no way that Satan can even touch you. You might be tempted, but you won't cave in. With that note...

Until next time...
Alexa :)

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