Thursday, October 14, 2010


Firstly, before I start blogging, I would like to state that the term "luke warm" is simply DISGUSTING. eww its one of those words that grosses you out by saying it. Like...meatloaf and moist. EW. okay now im going off topic...

SO last class we watched a sermon by a man named Francis Chan. I really love him. I am reading his book crazy love and it is crazy good :) It is an easy read so I enjoy reading it! He is a great speaker and I really want to hear more sermons from him! He talked about what it means to be on FIRE for the Lord and what it means to be luke warm. So there are some questions that I will be answering now...

1. Does Jesus expect us to be radical or is there a middle road? Follow the leader or …?

I got really confused when he was talking about this middle of the road story. I guess I kind of blanked out because I was thinking so I sort of missed what the point he was trying to get at was. Although I think Jesus wants us to be radical for him.

2. Why is it that so many people in church think that our life is ideal?
Everyone wants to live the "American Dream." Well, noo why would anyone want to live that? People from the church think that our life is so ideal because we have a house to live in, we are FILTHY RICH compared to the rest of the world, and we are blessed beyond needs. I want to hit on the rich part because I couldn't even believe that people live on 2 dollars. Chan's example about the 2 dollars was spot on. It is just so hard to believe. When we go to the movies and we pay 10 dollars for a ticket, that is like HUGE to someone who is poorer than us. Its just insane. If we are not really surrendering our lives to God and not on fire for him then our life is not ideal at all. We are going to hell. Hell. If we continue to live luke warm lives.

3. Do you agree that being filthy rich is a spiritual disadvantage?

Im so off and on about I dont really have a set answer. I think yes it is a major disadvantage in some circumstances. Actually, now that I think about it, it pretty much always it except when you are using your money to solely help others. But the main way that I think it is a disadvantage is because we don't rely on God for everything. When I say everything, I mean literally EVERYTHING. They don't know if they will see the sunset tomorrow, or if they will eat, or have clean water, or have ANY water, or be safe, or anything like that. We don't have to worry about any of that! I know that when I come home, I can eat anything I want. Imagine this, the TOILET water is 100% times cleaner than the water that they have. The water that they have is nasty swampy water. This may sound gross but the toilet water is water that unfortunate people would walk miles for! So, yes I do think that being rich is a spiritual curse.

4. Are you luke warm and loving it? Or are you trying to do something about it?
I am definitely NOT loving it. Why would someone love it? I am putting an effort in my relationship with the Lord and I can really see the change. I write in my prayer journal and read my devo book every night and sometimes under my bed. That sounds weird but there are no distractions under there except maybe spiders...haha just kidding! But for real, I am luke warm and hating it. I want to say ohh no I am not luke warm, Im perfect! But in reality, I am luke warm and I strive to be ON FIRE FOR GOD!

5. Is my life making God vomit? Would the way you live your life make the poor vomit?
The first part of the question could go either wat, but yeah I do think that my life is making him vomit. I am not living the way that I should be but I am trying to cut back and change the way that I do things so that I will not make him vomit. And I definitely think that the way I live my life makes the poor vomit. I bet they would be disgusted. I spend 10 dollars on a meal and 10 dollars would go a lot further than just a meal. I just think that the way that I spend my money could not be so selfish.

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