Wednesday, January 26, 2011



1. There are three types of evangelism, E1, E2, and E3. E1 evangelism is more comfortable. Its like when your ministering to people that live in your city and speak the same language and are fairly similar. It would be like me talking to people in Houston. E2 is sort of the same but its more about talking to people with different backgrounds. So they do not necessarily live in the same city that we do and stuff. E3 is the hardest one. E3 evangelism is when you minister to people who live in a different country and have a different culture and language. This is EXTREMELY difficult. I think that Winter considers E2 evangelism very urgent in the U.S. Its more than E1 because its uncomfortable but its not as severe. The most power is E3. Not only is it far away, it is the most powerful because the people receiving the owed and so amazed by God.

2. I honestly do not understand this question. I guess I will just say that to unite Christians, the way going about it cannot be against Christian liberties. This means that they way that you evangelism has to be moral and you cannot break any normal laws or personal respect.

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