Friday, January 28, 2011

10 Characteristics of a Missional Church

HEYYYY so i have a few questions to answer so i guess i will answer them... :)

1. What does it mean to live in missonally?
Well, I think that it means that you live an unselfish live, you participate in activities that serve others and serve God. You also rarely do things for yourself and you give tremendously. Also, if you can't do those things, then leading by example is also living a missonally life.

2. Are you living a missionally life?
I like to say that I am living a missionally life, but I am not so sure if that is 100% true. It is true that I live for helping others and doing things that affect them and not me. That is true but maybe I do not do that all the time. I feel like in one aspect of the missionally life I have that, but I am lacking my service to God. What I mean is that I need to pack up everything and just follow him like the disciples did. Paul dropped everything and traveled everywhere on foot and boat to all of these cities, he was imprisoned, beaten, and many other things but he NEVER gave up. I wish that I could say that I have that quality but I don't and that is something that I am working on. It is so important to my faith that I do that because I feel like I don't even know what living means until I do that.

3. What changes could you make in your life to be missionally?
Well I kinda explained it above ^. But, besides devoting more to God, I can devote more of my time to people. I feel like I am very missionally when it works on my schedule and around my plans. Well being missionally also means random acts not just planed actions. Even the slightest things are so helpful and appreciated. So I definitely think that is something that needs to be changed so that I can become more missional.

Until next time,
Alexa :)

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