Wednesday, January 19, 2011

World Mission Survey!

so today's class rocked. The passage was super long and boring at first but when we started to discuss it, it got interesting. There were 2 questions... :

1. What opportunities for and which obstacles to missions advancement are apparent from each of the areas surveyed in this article?
-Well,I think that one obstacle is the difficulty to reach out to these people. Some of the people who do not know Christ live in a very desolated area that is so hard to get to geographically. That is definitely a huge disadvantage. Another one is that it is hard to find missionaries that can speak the language that they are dealing with. It would be so much easier if you could have a missionary translate to their language and be able to connect with them like that. The opportunities are so great in a sense that these people really need to hear the word of the Lord and we are so blessed to have opportunities like that, but legistically it is just so hard to go through with it.

2. What is the dominant impression left by these articles? guarded optimism? caution? skepticism? enthusiasm?
-So.... my impression left on this article is optimism I guess. I mean I feel inspired and I am dying to go reach out to people and teach them and love them and do everything I can for them. I want to reach out to people who have NO IDEA who Christ is. I want them to want to know everything and be absolutely amazed at what they are hearing about him like he is a superhero or something (because I think he is :) ). So after reading this article, I am determined to want to do something about these low numbers and percentages in certain countries.


until next time...

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